Seana Belser
Kindergarten Teacher
Courses Taught:
Education I have received a B.S in Early Childhood Education from Alabama State University. I received my M.E in Early Childhood Education at the University of West Alabama. |
Experience I have been teaching a total of 26 years and 25 years at Pine Level Elementary. |
Bio My name is Seana Guilford-Belser. I have been married for 21 years to Cedrek Belser. I have 3.5 children. My oldest daughter (Che'la) graduated from the University of South Alabama and Wallace School of Nursing, My son (Sean) graduated from Alabama A&M University, My step-son (Myles) graduated from the University of South Alabama and lastly my daughter (Neah) is a Senior at the University of South Alabama. I have a 9 year old grandson named Caiden and he keeps me on my toes and my new granddaughter Nova Camille (6mos). |
Week at A Glance-Kindergarten
- read/spell/write/review all high frequency words
- write sentences/dictation
- fluently read decodable books
- review addition and subtraction
Social Studies/Science
- Summer
Mark Your Calendar
- Tues., May 14- Grad Celebration
- Wed., May 15- Class Picnic@10:53- 11:18
- Thurs., May 16 – Field Day
- Fri., May 17 – Kindergarten Graduation@8:45am
- May 21-22- Hybrid Days (Summer packet will be sent home.)
- Thurs., May 23 – School dismissal at 11:30 Last day of school for students
- Fri., May 24 – Report Card pickup in front lobby
- NO SCHOOL for students
- Kindergarten Graduation is Friday, May 17.
- Graduation will be separated into 2 groups:
- 8:45 – Belser, Hindman, Smith, Thomas
- 9:45 – Baxley, Bennett, Edwards, Franklin
- Cap and gowns will stay here at school. They will come home with your child on graduation day.
- No cap and gown pictures will be taken here at school.
- more information to come
Daily homework should be a part of your evening routine.
- use letter naming page & have your child name each letter or repeat after you if they cannot name them independently
- use letter naming page & have your child tell you the sound for each letter
- read, spell & write the sight words that have been introduced
- have your child write 1 sentence
- write first and last name 3 times capitalizing only the first letter
- count to 100 by ones starting with zero
- use ten frame to make patterns
- identify & write numbers 0-20
The daily binder is a great resource to use!
Kindergarten Resources
Daily Schedule
Mrs. Belser’s Class
Daily Schedule 2023-2024
7:45- Pick up from gym
7:45-8:00- Morning Routines
8:00-8:05- Announcements/Character Education
8:05-8:30- Morning Work/Bulldog Period/RTI Intervention
8:30-10:30- Literacy Block
10:30-10:50- Math Whole Group
10:53-11:18- LUNCH
11:18-11:25- Bathroom
11:25-11:45 Calendar/Story
11:45-12:35- P.E.
1:00-1:30- Math
1:30-2:00-Social Studies/Science
2:00-2:30-Instructional Centers
2:30-2:45- Pack up
Dismiss 2:45-3:00
Music: Thursday-1:40-2:05